The (Care) Bear Necessities of Personal Brands

Brandon Petersen
3 min readFeb 28, 2024


My thoughts this week are on an iconic 80’s cartoon and how it was ahead of its time in personal branding awareness. Care Bears! In 1982, Tenderheart Bear and his fuzzy friends helped inspire the concept of personal branding well before Tom Peters coined the term with the concept in 1997.

The Care Bears provide a great example of personal branding. Each bear has its own unique identity, symbol, and message. Their symbols and personalities help them connect with their audience and stand out from the other bears. Cheer Bear promotes happiness, Tenderheart Bear displays compassion, and Bedtime Bear reminds us to get plenty of rest. Each bear’s message and identity are carefully crafted to appeal to a specific audience, and that’s what personal branding is all about.

First up, let’s talk about Cheer Bear. As her name suggests, Cheer Bear is all about spreading positivity and happiness. Her symbol, a rainbow, represents her cheerful personality and message. Cheer Bear’s personal brand is all about brightening your day and spreading joy wherever she goes. It’s no wonder she’s so beloved by fans, she’s un-bear-ably uplifting!

Next, we have Tenderheart. As the leader of the Care Bears, Tenderheart Bear is all about compassion and empathy. His symbol, a red heart, represents his caring and loving personality. Tenderheart Bear’s personal brand is all about inspiring others to be kind and to help those in need. He’s a bear after our own hearts

Then there’s Bedtime Bear. As his name suggests, Bedtime Bear loves helping children get a good night’s sleep. His symbol, a blue moon with a hanging star, represents his calming and soothing personality. Bedtime Bear’s personal brand is all about promoting rest, and his message resonates with parents who want to help their children to take naps and go to bed on time. In fact, as a personal anecdote, I received a Bedtime Bear as a birthday present when I was a cub. Even then, I was drawn to his calming personality and soothing symbol. It’s amazing to think that the concept of personal branding was already at work, even in something as seemingly simple as a stuffed animal.

Personal branding isn’t just for bears, though. Celebrities also use personal branding to establish their unique identity and connect with their fans. Take Taylor Swift, for example. Her personal brand is all about authenticity, vulnerability, and storytelling. She’s built her brand around being relatable to her fans and sharing her personal experiences through her music. LeBron James, on the other hand, has built his personal brand around excellence, leadership, and social justice. He’s not just a basketball player, he’s a role model and an advocate for change. Finally, there’s Kelly Clarkson, who has built her personal brand around positivity, empowerment, and authenticity. She’s not afraid to be herself and speak her mind, and her fans love her for it. Just like the Care Bears, these celebrities have carefully crafted their personal brands to appeal to a specific audience and stand out from the crowd.

I hope you enjoyed learning about Cheer Bear, Tenderheart Bear, and Bedtime Bear, and how their unique identities helped to shape a cultural phenomenon. Did you have a Care Bear when you were little? Did its colors, logo, and personality reflect who you were as a kid? Or, did it have an impact on your behavior? If you could create a Care Bear that best reflected your personal brand today, what would it be? The logo? The color? The personality? The voice and tone? Find me on Twitter @codepetersen and share with me your paw-some thoughts about Care Bears and personal branding.



Brandon Petersen

Communication Specialist, Teacher, Adjunct Professor, Digital Design Enthusiast, and Life-Long-Learner. UFCJC Student